PAP Paramotor Kit
PAP Paramotor kit är till för er som vill uppgradera era befintliga PAP motorer eller bygga om något annat fabrikat.
De Kit som finns idag är den nya modellen ”Racing” Kontakta oss innan ni beställer.
Priset är 1650 Euro+ frakt från Spanien.

The kit consists of:
• Stainless Steel Frame ultimate PAP generation.
• 13L. tank installed.
• Arms with Anti Torque System.
We have not included our famous Sup’Air Paramotor harness in the kit as it is very possible that the customer interested already has one and we prefer to leave this item to your personal choice .
For who is the PAP PARAMOTOR KIT?.
• For A “ handyman “ that can mount his own Paramotor before buying a assembled engine and save a few euros in times of crisis.
• A PAP pilot who want’s to update his old machine while keeping his engine.
• A pilot who is not happy with his Paramotor and who wants to fly with the original PAP
For what engines is the PAP PARAMOTOR KIT?.
Our first idea was to make a frame in which to mount any Paramotor engine on the market , either a current or a former model. Finally we had to discard this idea because there are many small details that make that a Paramotor has the conditions of comfort and safety that we believe essential in PAP . Not all the engines rotate to the same side, or have the same depth, etc.
These are the Kit models depending on the engine that we propose:
KIT 1 : ROS 100 and 125 engine
KIT 2 : TOP 80 Engine
KIT 3 : RM 80 Engine , EVO 100 and PA 125
KIT 4 : THOR 130 Engine
KIT 5 : MOSTER 185 Engine
KIT 6 : THOR 200 Engine
KIT 7 : FLYENGINE 200 Engine
This does not mean that we can not customize a kit for another engine that is not included in this list. Always considering the crankcase measures and especially the engines depth as a fundamental aspect.